Exploring the Future of Automotive Manufacturing with Additive Manufacturing

Automotive Manufacturing with Additive Manufacturing

Laser Powder bed fusion (L-PBF) technology is revolutionizing the automotive industry by meeting the increasing demands for customization. Traditionally, manufacturing automotive components involved time-consuming processes with limitations on design complexity. However, with the advent of laser powder bed fusion metal printing, Objectify has provided a solution that allows for the production of highly customized and […]

3D Printed Thin Walled Heat Exchanger Element That’s IMPOSSIBLE To Make On A CNC Machine


A heat exchanger is a device designed to transfer heat between two different fluids, and it plays a crucial role in various applications such as air conditioners and rocket engines. Traditionally, heat exchangers were manufactured using methods like welding thin sheets of material together, which could be challenging, time-consuming, and result in heavier parts.The advent […]

The Material Science of Metal 3D Printing

The Material Science of Metal 3D Printing Metal 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, involves the layer-by-layer deposition of metallic materials to create three-dimensional objects. This process has revolutionized manufacturing across various industries due to its ability to produce complex geometries, reduce material waste, and enable rapid prototyping and customization. The material science behind […]

How do you choose the best 3D printing method for your mechanical design?

3D printing method

Choosing the best 3D printing method for your mechanical design involves considering several factors to match the specific requirements of your project. Here are some steps to help you make an informed decision: 1. Identify Design Requirements: Clearly define the functional and performance requirements of your mechanical design. Consider different factors the part will encounter, […]

Significance Of Lattice Structure To Improve The Mechanical Properties In Additive Manufacturing

How 3D Printed Lattice Structures Enhance Mechanical Properties

  3D-printed lattice structures have gained significant attention in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and manufacturing, because they offer several advantages that can significantly improve mechanical properties in certain applications. Here are some ways in which 3D-printed lattice structures can enhance mechanical properties: Reduced Weight: Lattice structures are inherently lightweight due to their sparse […]

The Advantages of thermal and mechanical Simulations in 3D Printing

mechanical Simulations in 3D Printing

Thermal and mechanical simulations play a crucial role in the 3D printing process, offering several advantages that improve the overall efficiency, quality, and reliability of additive manufacturing. Here are some of the key advantages of using thermal and mechanical simulations in 3D printing: 1. Predictive Analysis: Simulations allow engineers to evaluate the thermal and mechanical […]